There is a saying with BBQ “if your lookin’, you ain’t cookin”
Translated – When you open a grill to check the progress especially when your using a low and slow method, precious smoke (flavor) escapes from the grill and heat that is necessary for a juicy smoked chicken or brisket.
What to do – Know your process, know how much charcoal to add and when, know close to how long it needs to smoke for and where you would be comfortable removing the meat from the grill.
Using a KAMADO style grill (egg) will assist with the process because 1″ thick ceramic with a 2″ lower fire box retains a tremendous amount of heat allowing you to go longer without opening the grill and letting all that flavor out.
Once you know how to light and maintain the temperature in a KAMADO you will be rewarded.
These types of grills are also versatile in the sense that a some manufactures have electronic temperature control, propane starters, rotisserie and pizza oven kits.
These types of grill are also often built into your outdoor space, contact us today to schedule a consultation.
- Montgomery Outdoor Kitchens